Hi all!
Our sessions are back as of next week!
Great news that organised indoor sports can start back. Hopefully reopening for the last time!
Like before, we are using the Spond app to manage attendance as we are still restricted in numbers until further restrictions are lifted.
FAO Beaufort Park members:
Currently Kingsdown still cannot offer us our usual courts; we have two courts 7:30-10pm, and two further courts 8:30-10pm. The first 12 to respond on Spond get first refusal to play the 2.5 hour session. We may need to rotate players in further sessions to make it fair for everyone to play in the 2.5 hour slot. We will play 6 a side over two courts, rather than 6 to a court, this should make the games more varied.
Members who paid subs at the start of the season will have priority, annual members first. Winter members will need to extend their membership for the rest of the period to end of August.
Also to note, until restrictions relax further, Kingsdown are requiring players to vacate the hall and building at ten minutes to each hour for 10 minutes while they clean equipment etc. Although this doesn’t make sense to us, it is their policy and we must adhere to it.
Refunds as previously will be calculated by our new treasurer probably at the end of the summer season or start of the 2021-22 period.
Any further questions or if you haven’t received the Spond invite (paid members only) please contact the chairman Nigel or your session rep.
For further details on the return to play guidelines, please visit Badminton England.
See you all soon! ❤️